Sketches & Square Footage Verification

    Another service we provide is full interior sketches and square footage verification.  Many Listing Agents have an appraiser verify the square footage of every property they list, to make sure there is no confusion (or lawsuits!).  In the real estate business everything is tied to the dollar per square foot, so this is not a number you want to get wrong.  We measure in accordance with the American National Standard for Single-Family Residential Buildings: Square Footage-Method for Calculating (approved by the American National Standards Institute, Inc.) and House Measuring & Square Footage (published by the Carolina Multiple Listing Services. Inc.)   

    So whether it's a 10,000 Square Foot House or a 700 Square Foot Townhouse, it never hurts to be sure of the square footage, and by having our stamped and signed measurements, all parties involved can be.